Immediate reply to your initial inquiry:
We'll provide you with personalized info for your particular appraisal needs.
Act now! Just call us or send us an e-mail at about what you need and we will make suggestions.
Brett E. Patron & Associates LLC guarantees prompt turnaround time:
We'll get you a response in less than a day, and you'll get results in less than seven days.
Brett E. Patron & Associates LLC's consulting and documents formatted to suit YOUR needs:
One size doesn't fit all when it comes to consulting and appraisal.
We offer an array of report types and delivery techniques.
A speedy reply to follow-up inquiries:
You can feel safe in the knowledge that all Brett E. Patron & Associates LLC's services meet or exceed Louisiana's requirements and the Uniform Standards of Professional Practice that establishes appraisal standards on a federal level.
If you have some comments about your appraisal after you've checked out the results, we encourage you by all means to contact us.